The Black Doctoral Network (BDN) welcomes current undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students, students of professional degree programs (e.g. medical, law, dental, pharmacy), and postdoctoral scholars of all racial and ethnic backgrounds to participate in our poster session at the Undergraduates Promoting Research, Opportunities, Professionalism, Education, and Leadership (U-PROPEL) Conference which takes place concurrently with the 12th  Annual Black Doctoral Network Conference themed: Collective Impact: Igniting a Brighter World at the Intersection of Identity, Culture, and Society to be held on October 17-19, 2024 in Los Angeles, CA. If you have a research project, thesis, or dissertation you would like to present as a poster at a professional conference, the poster session is a good opportunity for you to showcase your academic work and receive feedback from scholars in a friendly and engaging environment. Undergraduate students are invited to participate in the Undergraduate Research Poster Competition

Why Should You Participate?

  • Obtain experience in presenting theoretical and scientific research at a conference
  • Gain exposure and feedback for your work
  • Develop skills in effective communication for an academic audience
  • Meet students and faculty from graduate programs across the country
  • Connect with academic and industry professionals for mentoring opportunities

Submission Information

We welcome submissions from current undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students, students of professional degree programs, as well as postdoctoral scholars (as of Fall 2024) from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. Poster submissions are welcome from any academic discipline. Previously accepted posters were in the areas of STEM, humanities, and the social sciences (e.g. education, fine arts, environmental science, biology, business, sociology, and health). The submission details must include the title of the poster, purpose of the project, methodology and theories, tables/figures (if available), results/conclusions (if available), and references.

Decision Notifications

The Black Doctoral Network Conference Committee will send decision notifications starting September 6 and on a weekly basis thereafter. Only one poster may be presented per presenter and one presenter per poster. All presenters must be 18 years or older.




Conference Registration Information

Registration depends on student or membership status. Cost ranges from $200 - $350. Undergraduate students pay $200 each. Poster presenters must register by September 27, 2024. Full registration details can be found online at 

Poster Presentation Details
The poster session will take place on Friday, October 18, 2024. Easels and foam boards (36” x 48”) will be provided to display your work. Posters must be 36” high, 48” wide. The Black Doctoral Network Conference Committee provides both easels and poster boards (40” x 60”).

Poster details for Graduate Students, Doctoral Students, and Postdoctoral Fellows
Graduate students, doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, etc. may also present their research during the poster session, however, they will not be included in the poster competition. All poster presenters must remain with their poster during the poster presentation period.

Presenters must include, but are not limited to, the following sections on their poster:

  • Title/Authors: Title is clear and informative. Author, faculty advisor(s) name, and university’s name listed
  • Purpose (objectives or introduction) identified, stated clearly, and explained
  • Theories/Methodology are described
  • Results/Findings are presented (tables/figures included if available)
  • Summary/Conclusions are clearly stated
  • References are listed

Special Poster Awards

In addition to our undergraduate competition, all poster presenters (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral students, and postdoctoral scholars) will be eligible for our special poster awards, which includes Best Poster Design, Most Promising Future Work, and Most Innovative Topic. Winners for these awards will be announced on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

Undergraduate Research Poster Competition
McNair scholars and undergraduate research scholars are encouraged to participate in the Undergraduate Research Poster Competition. All undergraduate students who make a submission will be automatically entered in our Undergraduate Research Poster Competition. The competition will be one hour and fifteen minutes. Judges will inform presenters when they are being evaluated. Presenters will have 15 minutes for their presentations (10 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions). The last 10 minutes of the competition will be open for presenters to view one another's work. A panel of judges will evaluate posters and grant prizes to first, second, and third place winners. Participants should bring their posters on the day of presentations. If you have posters delivered to the hotel it is your responsibility to ensure arrival. The BDN Conference committee will not be responsible for accepting deliveries or storing posters.

Undergraduate Research Poster Competition Judging Criteria

All components of the poster are included - 5 points

  • Title/Authors: Title is clear and informative. Author, faculty advisor(s) name, and university’s name listed
  • Purpose (objectives or introduction) identified, stated clearly, and explained. Theories/Methodology are described
  • Results/Findings are presented  (tables/figures included if available)
  • Summary/Conclusions are clearly stated
  • References are listed

Quality of writing - 5 points

  • Font is consistent throughout
  • Grammar is correct throughout
  • Spelling is correct throughout
  • Main points well developed
  • Exhibits scholarly writing

Poster design - 5 points

  • All text and images can be easily read
  • Flow of poster is easy to follow
  • Section titles are used well and consistently
  • Images/graphics used appropriately
  • Text color and background color in contrast for reading

Content and organization - 5 points

  • All content is relevant
  • Content is focused and clear
  • Content is not duplicated in text and graphics
  • All content is explained through text or graphics
  • Content is well organized

Content knowledge - 5 points

  • Current evidence is identified
  • Content is appropriate and relevant for audience
  • Content relevant to discipline
  • All content explained
  • Displayed overall content knowledge

Originality - 5 points

  • Provided new knowledge or evidence
  • Used a creative approach
  • Original subject matter
  • Utilized an innovative approach
  • Engaging and imaginative

Presentation - 5 points

  • Appropriate length and pace
  • Presenter spoke clearly
  • Presenter established eye contact with audience
  • Presenter was familiar with subject matter and answered questions well
  • Presenter was confident and professional

Judging Procedures
Please remain close to your poster during the competition in order to begin your poster presentation quickly after the judges arrive. Due to scheduling difficulties, students will not be added to or moved to another time period for the competition. Once the judges arrive at your poster, you should be prepared to discuss the overall focus of the study, methodology, results and conclusions. Please allow time for questions from the judges.

Undergraduate Poster Competition Prizes
Undergraduate Research Poster Competition winners will be announced on Saturday, October 19, 2024. First place winner will be awarded $150 Visa gift card. Second place winner will be awarded $100 Visa gift card. Third place winner will be awarded $50 Visa gift card. The Top Ten winners will be acknowledged and given honorable mention ribbons. Winners' names and posters will be posted to the BDN website.

Additional resources for poster presentation:

For questions regarding the Poster Session or the Undergraduate Poster Competition, please contact:
 Dr. Marshia Allen
 Director of Undergraduate Programming

12th Annual Black Doctoral Network Conference

“Collective Impact: Igniting a Brighter World at the Intersection of Identity, Culture, and Society”

October 17 - 19, 2024 | Los Angeles, California



The Black Doctoral Network (BDN) is excited to announce that our 2024 National Conference will be held on October 17 - 19, 2024 in Los Angeles, California at Loyola Marymount University!

The BDN National Conference is an interdisciplinary event that brings together academics and professionals from disciplines such as the social sciences, STEM, and humanities to address how we can positively impact and inform each other’s work and engage with our communities. In addition to interdisciplinary panel presentations, this conference will have interactive workshops, small group forum discussions, a resource and job fair, and our exciting undergraduate research poster competition.

The Black Doctoral Network Conference Committee invites paper and workshop submissions for the 2024 national conference themed Collective Impact: Igniting a Brighter World at the Intersection of Identity, Culture, and Society. This year's conference will showcase the amazing work being done by scholars and professionals as we continue to strive for equitable opportunities in higher education and the chance to share stories that are impacting our communities. While embracing our rich culture and contributions to academia, we also aim to highlight the work that is being done by scholars to address the larger issues that are impacting communities of color.

The theme of the annual meeting asks: What recent contributions have you made within your field of study to showcase multicultural perspectives and the importance of cultural identity? Have you completed an innovative research study that examines characteristics or experiences within a specific community? How have you helped to advocate for the importance of respecting individual thoughts, ideas, and beliefs? How can the findings from your research be applied to ongoing issues that may be impacting society at large? How can the application of your research findings be used to address a key issue plaguing marginalized communities? How does your contribution to your profession and/or scholarly work exemplify the theme of Collective Impact: Igniting a Brighter World at the Intersection of Identity, Culture, and Society.

Scholars, researchers, practitioners, and activists are invited to showcase their individual and collective achievements in their respective disciplines. We accept abstract submissions from any discipline or topic, including: African/Latino Diaspora, Art & Music, Business, Entrepreneurship, Civic Engagement, STEM, Leadership, K-12 Education, Higher Education, Health & Wellness, Counseling & Therapy, etc. 

Submission of paper and workshop abstracts are welcome from graduate and doctoral students, recent doctoral graduates, academics, and professionals across various disciplines. Undergraduate students are welcome to submit posters representing their research and area of focus in our Research Poster Session. More information regarding our Call for Posters will be available at


OVERVIEW: The purpose of the papers is to provide professional space to present research. Papers that reflect the theme Collective Impact: Igniting a Brighter World at the Intersection of Identity, Culture, and Society, are especially encouraged but submissions on any related topic will be considered. Submission of papers will be presented in a panel format. Submissions with one or two presenters will be assigned to a panel with additional panelists. Submissions with three or more presenters will have your own panel.


Examples of topics for paper submissions include: 

  • The role of technology in bridging educational gaps for minority students
  • Exploring environmental issues and their impact on low-income communities
  • Mental health support systems for underrepresented students
  • Addressing food insecurity on college campuses
  • Improving health equity for marginalized and underrepresented individuals 
  • Advancing academic performance and college access for student success
  • The impact of criminal justice and immigration policies on marginalized communities
  • Challenges to maternal health and wellness in the Black community
  • Diversity and inclusion in corporate leadership
  • The impact of microfinance on small business development in underserved areas
  • The role of music and arts education in enhancing cultural awareness
  • Engineering practices and solutions for urban development and rural communities


DURATION: Fifteen minutes will be allotted for paper submissions that have up to two presenters. Forty-five minutes will be allotted for submissions that have three or more presenters.


SUBMISSION DETAILS: Abstracts should be no more than 300 words typed, double spaced, using a 12pt font. Your presentation should describe the purpose, methods and conclusions of your research. Submissions should be anonymous – please do not include your name or the name of your institution on the document. Include the title of your abstract and note whether it is an individual or a group submission. You may not submit or take part in more than one panel presentation; presenters may give one and only one paper at the conference. However, you are welcome to make a workshop submission.



OVERVIEW: The purpose of the workshops is to provide opportunities for professional development through hands-on training. Workshops should provide engagement in focused discussions that offer new knowledge, resources, and a new set of skills to the attendees. We encourage innovative workshop formats. Previously accepted workshops included sessions on qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodology, academic publishing, grant proposal writing, financial literacy, and artificial intelligence. We welcome workshop proposals on any topic relevant to our conference attendees that align with the conference theme of Collective Impact: Igniting a Brighter World at the Intersection of Identity, Culture, and Society.


Examples of topics for workshop submissions include:

  • Designing an interactive STEM curriculum for Black youth
  • Implementing community programs that have the potential to shape future policy and practice
  • How to increase career readiness and employment success for Black scholars following graduation
  • Integrating telehealth services in underserved communities
  • Effective grant writing for educational initiatives
  • Leveraging big data for social impact projects
  • Transformative leadership in higher education administration
  • Developing multicultural competence in healthcare providers
  • Navigating the legal landscape of nonprofit management
  • Enhancing student success through mentorship programs
  • Teaching financial literacy to empower underserved populations


DURATION: Workshop sessions will last 45-60 minutes.


SUBMISSION DETAILS: Workshop proposals should be in the form of abstracts no more than 300 words in length. In your proposal be sure to include the title of your workshop, describe the purpose of the workshop, its format (including the kinds of educational materials you might use), what participants can expect to gain from it, state your intended audience (faculty, professionals, undergraduate students, anyone, etc.), and describe your experience and qualifications in the subject area. Submissions must be from advanced graduate students, doctoral degree holders, or seasoned professionals. A CV/résumé is required as part of the application.



Priority Deadline: July 14, 2024 at 11:59PM PST

Rolling Deadline: August 14, 2024 at 11:59PM PST


PRIORITY DEADLINE SUBMISSIONS: Submitting author will receive a confirmation message upon submitting the abstract. Acceptance announcements will be sent via email by July 26, 2024 to the submitting author. Accepted presenters and co-presenters must register for the conference and confirm their acceptance by August 16, 2024. Failure to register and confirm acceptance by August 16th will result in rescinding acceptance.

ROLLING DEADLINE SUBMISSIONS: Acceptance announcements will be sent via email throughout August depending on space availability. Accepted presenters and co-presenters must register for the conference and confirm their acceptance within 21 days from their acceptance notification. Failure to register and confirm acceptance will result in rescinding acceptance.


For questions regarding the Call for Papers & Workshops email

Black Doctoral Network Inc.